Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/214

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Galloping Dick

“Spirits!” says I, scowling at him, “I have had enough of spirits, damn them! Take ’em away!” I yelled, and fell to cursing. He made no sign, but still remained in the corner near the door, in a fresh fit of shivering. But that was not in my scheme; and so, feigning to come out of my seizure, I turned to him in a tremulous imploring fashion. “An’ you be a man of God,” I bleated, “and the Minister of His Divine mercy, rid me of these Devils, reverend sir.”

This put a new face on him at once, and his tune changed with alacrity. “Why, certainly, certainly, my good man,” says he, coming towards me briskly. “’Tis the function of us servants of the Almighty to discharge such duties to the unfortunate. What ails you?”

I groaned, and then, taking him greedily by the hand, whispered, “’Tis the spirits of the murdered as haunt me, your reverence.”

By this he was completely in control of himself, and took out his snuff-box quite pompously. a Yes, yes,” says he, tapping it, “’tis true. For they that have the blood of their