Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/220

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Galloping Dick

Ryder: a better I have no wish to spend. There was Hack, and Higgins, and old Jeremy Starbottle, all rode to the Tree that year. Ah, there was king’s pictures and to spare, lad! Faith, there was more of ‘Stand and Deliver’ in those days in a week than the whole squadron of you might venture in a twelvemonth nowadays,” and he sighed over the recollection.

It was in my plan to set his tongue blabbing, the more so as I desired to be upon terms with him; and so I listened very humbly, though Hack and Higgins were none so mighty, nor Jerry Starbottle neither. Indeed the tales of these gentry have suffered undue enlargement. But I said no word about that, merely shaking my head along of him, and saying, “Ah yes, those must ha’ been gay days. We are a poor company in their comparison.”

“Poor!” says the Ordinary with spirit. “You say well. A parcel of scarecrows, set to frighten crows—that’s what the pad is now;” and seemed very bitter about it.

In fine, we got very well acquainted, for the Ordinary was glad to pay me frequent visits,