Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/247

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Of a Meeting near Fulham

placent satisfaction in myself. I was fair bubbling over the brim with spirits, and ready for to cock a barker or flash an iron at General Monk himself, if so be the occasion should throw me across him. But after a day or so with other roysterers, and my temper still serving, out I flung upon an excursion towards Fulham, for mere devilment, and by no means because my purse was running low. Half-way to the village, and within cry of a tavern, I fell across a carriage, dancing along at a rare pace, richly caparisoned, and with out-riders and all the privileges of wealth. Nothing must suit me then but, like a lusty young fool, to drive myself square across the way, and despatch the horses back upon their prats, setting the coachman and the post-boys yelling in a terrified ubbaboo. And next I popped up to the window, and thrusting my pistol forward, exacted my demands of the occupant, ere ever he guessed what was afoot.

He was mightily perturbed and also inordinately savage, being as I could perceive, a nobleman of mark upon his road to some great house. To