Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/256

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Galloping Dick

last buckle. But soon he interposed in my inspection.

“Captain Ryder,” he said, gravely, “I am awaiting instructions of you.”

I laughed a little at that, being still in my perplexity, but he threw me a glance of reproach.

“I had scarce expected, Captain,” says he, “of one of your acknowledged and well-merited repute to mock at honest enthusiasm, however raw. Humble as I sit, I would scorn to put a slight upon any ardent heart.”

But I was none the more settled for this same speech, which appeared to me to have a savour of the ironic; and yet I could pick no fault in his demeanour. For all that, I was uneasy that he must be laughing at me, and so when he says more gaily—

“Come, Ryder, what say you? Shall we take the road?” I broke out in a blast of irritation.

“Damn you,” I said. “Do you think I have no better use for my limbs than to risk ’em upon a noddy that has lived to fifty years with-