Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/261

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Of a Meeting near Fulham

ing lays against her humour, Lord, ’tis quite another matter, and worth no man’s respectability.”

He had listened to me very seriously, though I thought that his mouth twitched at times, and when I was done he observed with a deprecating manner,

“I fear you would put me to too rigorous a service, Captain Ryder. At my age——

“Zounds, man,” I interrupted on him, “You may be no green goose, but you’ve the vitals of a man in you yet.”

“’Tis very courteous in you so to reassure me,” he returned with a bow, “But indeed you yourself have reminded me of my habit,” and he glanced at his stomach.

“Gad!” says I, “a week on the Toby will melt that suet.”

He rose, laughing good-humorously, and with an air on him that somehow seemed to dismiss me: but I rose too.

“Faith,” I says, “you are not for horseback yet. The ladies, sure, are not so exigent of your company. I promise you they will not