Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/266

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Galloping Dick

of the Town, and then the remembrance comes to me, and I knew ’twas the Duchess of Cleveland as he spoke of. And if I was in any doubt before, that resolved me upon the identity of my companion. But I said very little more, though screwed to the pitch of a high sensation, until we drew up before a house near by the village of Kensington. Here Old Rowley jumps to the ground.

“I had forgot to tell you,” says he, turning to me suavely, “that there is a disagreement ’twixt the lady and myself, and it is odds that we shall meet a hot reception.”

But I merely grinned, and presently, the preliminaries being arranged, we were admitted by a foot-boy, and found ourselves set in an ample room, enriched with many pleasant pictures and sumptuously ordered.

“Rip me,” says I, staring about the chamber, “you are a prince among wheedlers to have the freedom of this palace.”

“Oh, I do very well,” he returned affably, and commands me some wine. But just as we were sipping of our glasses comes me in