Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/276

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Galloping Dick

say, as ’twas the first occasion on which I had confused him, I was mightily pleased with myself; and none the less that I was to upset her ladyship still more plumply. So dropping the trinket in my pocket, I went back to her.

“I have it safe,” says I.

“Give it me,” cries she, all excitement.

“Nay, nay,” says I, “but you shall wear it upon our wedding-night, I vow, not afore.”

For a moment her eyes were shot with fury, and then apparently upon reflection she used another voice.

“You dear villain,” she says in a coaxing tone. “How you would torment me! I fear you are a tantalising rogue.”

“Oh no,” I says, with a cunning look, “but ’tis my usage to drive a proper bargain.”

“Oh fie!” says she, “you misbeliever! Come, let me see an’ it be truly mine.”

I shook my head, sticking my tongue in my cheek. “Never a blink,” said I, “afore that hour you wot of.”

Her eyebrows came down sudden. “Troth,” she says, with a toss of her head, a ’tis not