Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/282

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Galloping Dick

sending her a command out of his eyes, made me a pretty bow.

“Captain Ryder,” says he, with a rare mastery of himself. “I am in the wrong, for to lack a weapon is no excuse for a gentleman of honour. But an’ I may, I will remedy the want, and we may meet upon any terms you choose.”

“What would you?” I asked.

“I will send a foot-boy for my weapon, and a friend to serve us,” he replied suavely.

I considered, and then, “So be it,” said I, “an’ you bring no bullies of your own kidney upon me.”

“Yourself shall see the letter, Captain,” he says courteously; with which he got him swiftly to the table, and seizing a pen, scribbled me off a note, the which he handed for my inspection.

The epistle was innocent enough, and contained no hint of the circumstances, and moreover, I could ha’ fastened my faith on Old Rowley, that he would not employ treachery against me. But, all the same, and after the