Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/284

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Galloping Dick

Rowley looked at her with a polite expression of surprise.

“Farce!” quoth he, as in mild reproach. “You take lightly what may well be a tragedy for me, Barbara. I wish I could simulate your deportment,” and resumed his antics in the coolest manner.

Just upon that there comes me the foot-boy to the door, with the news that a gentleman was waiting upon us below; and then I turned to Old Rowley.

“This is not to betray me?” I says very suspicious.

“I give you my word, Ryder,” he returned heartily. “I will hold no communion with him, and you shall explain the situation yourself.”

At that I ordered the lackey to bring up t’other, and soon there sounds a jangle of spurs in the doorway, and enters a tall fellow, very elegantly dressed. Directly his face was to me, rip me but I could ha’ cried out in chagrin on myself, for ’twas the face, as you will believe me, of no other than the cully that