Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/286

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Galloping Dick

Now all this time I was cudgelling of my wits to hit upon a plan of conduct. For the matter of that I should not have minded to try a pass with the solemn ninny on the spot; but I knew that His Majesty was seated as spectator to the play, and it would divert him which way soever the affair went; and I was resolved to derange his enjoyment an’ I might. So, putting on a dumb expression of bewilderment, I stared on the fellow without any intelligence.

“Faith, you have me at a disadvantage,” I says. “I misremember to have met you.”

But he had grown very choleric. “I fancy,” he rejoined grimly, “that I may spur your memory.”

“You will be no bum-bailiff?” I asked innocently. He flew scarlet, laying his fingers on his sword.

“Let me recall you,” he says sharply, “a certain encounter nigh Fulham at eight of the clock this evening—when I had the privilege of meeting with a sturdy rascal, as like yourself as need be.”