Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/290

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Galloping Dick

My gentleman said nothing, but glanced at the King, a little startled; and he on his part showed a few signals of embarrassment.

“Come,” says I, encouraged by this success. “An’ I may not cross swords with His Majesty, I may with a plain Master Rowley, shall we say?”

Hereupon His Majesty’s eyes lit up slowly, and the smile broadening on his face, he burst out into merriment.

“On my soul, Captain Ryder,” says he, “I vow you would make a very good Indian Emperor.”

“And you, Mr Rowley,” says I, as quick as himself, “would become a very proper king.”

“Nay, Ryder,” says he, subduing his laughter, but still gaily, “then, I believe that you and I are the only two people in the realm that think so.”

But the other two, both my lady and my lord, stared upon us, for their wits, I reckon, were scarce nimble enough for the change, and they looked astounded to see us conversing as if upon a mutual understanding. Indeed the fellow seemed puzzled to determine if I knew