Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/292

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Galloping Dick

and then, with a sudden assumption of gallantry, very ludicrous to witness in him,

“Nay,” he says, “Here is no trinket for a man,” and with a bow presents it to my lady.

She was hugely delighted, and looked triumphantly at Old Rowley; but he followed the gawd with a quizzical look of dismay.

“Oddsfish,” says he. “Had I bent to the inevitable earlier, we had been saved all this ado.”

“I would not have missed it for a fortune, your Majesty,” says I warmly.

“Ah,” says he, “I daresay not, Captain. But then you come off better than I, by my poor Danby’s purse.”

“Your Majesty had your share,” said I demurely.

“Why, so I did,” says he with a smile; and then suddenly he pulls out a watch from his fob, and regards it contemplatively, and says he, very serious, but inexpressibly comical,

“His Excellency, the French Ambassador, has now been waiting for me one hour and three quarters upon urgent business,” and covering