Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/305

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Vol. XIX. The Three Impostors. By Arthur Machen.
Vol. XX. Nobody's Fault. By Netta Syrett.
Vol. XXI. The British Barbarians. By Grant Allen.

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Vol. XXII. In Homespun. By E. Nesbit.
Vol. XXIII. Platonic Affections. By John Smith.
Vol. XXIV. Nets for the Wind. By Una Taylor.
Vol. XXV. Where the Atlantic meets the Land. By Caldwell Lipsett.
Boston: Roberts Bros.


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LANG (ANDREW). See Stoddart.


Verses. 250 copies. Fcap. 8vo. 3s. net.
Transferred by the Author to the present Publisher.


Prose Fancies. With Portrait of the Author by Wilson Steer. Fourth Edition. Crown 8vo. Purple cloth. 5s. net.
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