Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/307

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Each volume fcap. 8vo. 3s. 6d. net.

Vol. I. The Autobiography of a Boy: Passages selected by his Friend, G. S. Street. With a Title-page designed by C. W. Furse.

[Fifth Edition now ready.

Vol. II. The Joneses and the Asterisks: a Story in Monologue. By Gerald Campbell. With Title-page and six Illustrations by F. H. Townsend.

[Second Edition now ready.

Vol. III. Select Conversations with an Uncle now extinct. By H. G. Wells. With Title-page by F. H. Townsend.

The following are in preparation.

Vol. IV. For Plain Women Only. By George Fleming. Vol. V. The Feasts of Autolycus: The Diary of a Greedy Woman. Edited by Elizabeth Robins Pennell. Vol. VI. Mrs Albert Grundy: Observations in Philistia. By Harold Frederic.

New York: The Merriam Company.


The First Published Portrait of this Author, engraved on the wood by W. Biscombe Gardner, after the painting by G. F. Watts. Proof copies on Japanese vellum, signed by painter and engraver. £1, 1s. net.


Poems. Fcap. 8vo. 3s. 6d. net.

[Third Edition.

A few of the 50 large paper copies (First Edition) remain, 12s. 6d. net.
The Rhythm of Life and Other Essays. Second Edition. Fcap. 8vo. 3s. 6d. net.
A few of the 50 large paper copies (First Edition) remain, 12s. 6d. net.
See also Hake.


The Building of the City Beautiful. Fcap. 8vo. With a Decorated Cover. 5s. net.
Chicago: Stone & Kimball.


Dostoievsky's Poor Folk. (See Keynotes Series.)