Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/48

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Galloping Dick

was scarce back in the seat ere the carriage was bowling away down the road. Then it was, perhaps, that I had most occasion to admire the man, for, righting himself with some labour, and settling his hat anew, he blew like a porpoise for some minutes. At the end he drew out his box with great difficulty, and, turning to me, tapped it after his habit; and, says he, snuffing: “That was the Lady Crawshaw,” says he. “’Twas the last week but one I dined with her.”

“I trust,” said I, “that she served your lordship well?”

“Indifferent, Ryder,” he declared, “indifferent only. She has a shrewish tongue, and can keep no cook of parts. Indifferent; and the wine, too, after a woman’s heart.” Then, “You will observe, Ryder,” he said, presently, “that I am an old man, and, however exciting the adventure, that the wind bites hard.”

“My lord,” I replied, bowing, for I was still under the spell of his demeanour, “I can ill afford to lose so useful a comrade, and there is