Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/52

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Galloping Dick

“For a guest to rum-pad his host!” I urged. “’Tis beyond all manners.”

“Faith, I am so new to the trade that you must pardon me if I am blind to these delicate distinctions,” says the Bishop, chuckling.

“Come,” I remonstrated, “this jest is after all in ill season. Put down that pistol.”

“The thought came into my head of a sudden,” mused the Bishop. “Indeed, it was of your own inspiration.”

“An’ you do not,” I cried angrily; “the Devil take me but I will shortly blast your ugly head from off your shoulders.”

“And ’twas well I took lessons from so excellent a master as yourself,” returned the Bishop unperturbed. “It had been disastrous to have mistook the barrel.”

“Well,” says I sulkily, “if you will act with this gross dishonour, pray, what terms are you pleased to make?”

“Why, here is reason,” says the Bishop smiling, “and a very proper spirit of contrition. And, for the night does not mend and my bones are old, I will not keep you longer.