Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/89

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Of the Man from Cornwall

deal with him, as you know him. He is a rogue who is to do us the service of finding the dispatches upon Baverstock for a consideration. See him brought to the prisoner, and watch him carefully.”

At this, Sir Ralph seemed a good deal staggered, and a very different change came across his features.

“Hum!” said he, “’tis a dirty business, for which I have no stomach.”

The Governor motioned me to follow, which I did in silence, for though I was much mortified I held my temper pretty tight, being resolved to settle the account later, and to my own satisfaction. But Sir Ralph was of too cheerful and lively a nature to be long silent, and as we proceeded to the cells he could not refrain his tongue. It was: “Hark’ee, Ryder, and I take leave to say you’re a damned canting rascal,” and then in a high-pitched arrogant voice: “And keep a good yard to the fore, Ryder, lest I nose you for a stinkard;” with many other little jibes of the like colour. But all the time I kept my teeth together, and without