Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/92

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Galloping Dick

He started, and opened his mouth, and then fell to whistling slowly, while a pleasant smile grew on his face.

“Why, damn me, Ryder,” says he, “what a strange rogue you are, for sure!” He paused, looking at me thoughtfully. “But this is madness, Ryder,” says he, presently.

“Come, come, Sir Ralph,” said I; “let me jog your memory.”

He was still staring at me, but seemed to wake up, and broke into a merry laugh. “What, you would make a rescue!” he cried.

“I would give you the occasion you have asked,” said I, bowing.

Again he paused, and at last, “By God! Ryder,” he cried, “cutpurse, canter, or gentleman of the road, you’re a man after my own heart.”

“Here’s a pair of us, then,” said I, smiling.

And, “In truth, I will not deny the company,” says he; “but,” he added, “I have a mind to spare you.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Come,” he says, “I have already forgot