Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/99

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Of the Man from Cornwall

score of bloody places, and, being weak for loss of blood, was for ending the hellish business with all dispatch. And thus, with thrust and parry, aimed and taken at random, we pushed across the flagstones, he receding slowly from my reach. But presently he seemed to rally, and his blade came whizzing for my vitals. Ere the point struck I was back a foot, and lunging forward sent in my own iron upon the level from my shoulder. It lit upon his sword, and then slid up; but the blow was so hot that still the point ran on, and the next I was aware had slipped softly into something, and the hilt was fetched back in my hand with a jar. All of sudden there was a dull bang, as of a head upon the wall, and a shrill and horrible scream rang out in that black and fatal chamber. The heavy fall of a body upon the stones ensued, and my sword was jerked from my shaking hand.

“Sir Ralph,” I cried, “Sir Ralph!” in an alarm, for the shriek in a manner affected my nerves, stiff though they be with a rough life.

There was a voice calling upon me feebly, and