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BAT the student to use considerable caution in perusing this essay, as it may (and probably does) contain many more inaccuracies than the author is at all aware of." Mr. Blake speaks of it as a useful historical treatise, admirable for its clear and judicious arrangement, though it contains lit- tle more than the outlines of practice. 1 Barton's Con. 42, n. ; Pref. to Blake's Ch. Pr. BARTON, C. Elements of the science of Conveyancing, in theory and practice, with cursory remarks upon the study of that science, and observations and directions relative to the practice of Conveyancing, &;c. 5 vols. 8vo. London. 1810-22. This Treatise was well received by the profession, and will be found a useful part of the library of a Conveyancer. Preston's Abstracts, 214. BARTON, C, Jun. Concise Precedents in Conveyancing, and also of mercantile forms, with practical essays, notes, and obser- vations, adapted to the present state of the law, and intended more especially for the office use of Solicitors. Bvo. London. 1836. BASSET, THOMAS. A Catalogue of the Common and Statute Law Books of England. Bvo. London. 1720. BASTINELLER, GEBH. Chr. Progr. de ebrietate delinquentem excusante. Viteb. 1720. BATEMAN, JOSEPH. Metropolitan Turnpike Act. The Statute 7 Geo. IV., cap. 142, for consolidating the trusts of the Turnpike Roads in the neighbourhood of the metropolis, north of the Thames. With notes and a Digested Index. 12nio. London. 1826. — ^ . The Laws of Excise, being a collection of all the existing Statutes relating to the revenue of Excise, with practical notes and forms, and an appendix of select cases. 8vo. London. 1843. "The above work is divided into two parts; the first containing the general laws relative to the excise, arranged under the various titles of management and regulation, duties and drawbacks, licenses, permits, weights and measures, coast removal, exportation on drawback, and illicit trading in Ireland ; and the second, containing the laws relative to the various excisable articles, collected and arranged under their appro- priate titles, in such a way as to facilitate an acquaintance with their provisions." Mr. Bateman has collected more than one hundred different statutes, and added notes of decisions illustrative of them. Those most compe- 98