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BLA duction to the great charter. VI. Magna Carta, Carta de foresla, etc. 3d ed. 4to. London. 1771. This contains several more tracts than the Oxford edition, in 2 vols., 8vo., 17C2. Several of the above tracts were separately published. BLACKSTONE, HENRY. Reports in Common Pleas and Exchequer, from E. T. 28 G. III., 1788, to H. T. 36 G. III., 1796. 4th ed. with notes, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London 1827. " The reporter has uniformly confined his attention to points of real importance, and throughout his work evinces much accuracy and fidelity, with as great a degree of conciseness as is consistent with perspicuity." The editions are, 2 vols., folio, London, 1793, 1796 ; 3d edition, with additional notes, 2 vols., 8vo., 1701 ; 4th ed., 2 vols., 8vo., 1827; and 2 vols., 8vo., Philadelphia, 1808-9. BLACKBURN, C. A Treatise of the effect of the contract of sale on the legal rights of property and possession in goods, wires, and merchandize. 8vo. London. 1845. BLACKERBY, SAMUEL. Justice of Peace's Companion: Part I. a summary of all the Acts of Parliament, whereby one, two, or more justices of the peace are authorized to act, not only in but out of sessions of the peace ; Part II. containing cases in law, wherein justices of the peace have jurisdiction. 12mo. London. 1734. . Cases in Law, wherein justices of the peace have a jurisdiction as well by their commission as by act of Parliament. Bvo. In the Savoy. 1717. BLACK, WILLIAM. The privileges of the Royal Burrows, as contained in their particular rights, and the ancient laws and records of Parliament, and their General Convention. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1707. o BLACKFORD, ISAAC. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the superior Court of the State of Indiana from May, 1817, to May, 1844. 5 vols. 8vo. Indianapolis. 1830-44. These volumes have the reputation of being among the best American reports. Most of the dissentient opinions are omitted, as well as the arguments of counsel, which is a very commendable example to all other reporters. 128