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BOO BONNIN, C. J. Traile du Droit, contenantles principes du droit naturel et du droit des nations. 8vo. Paris. 1808. BOOK OF PENALTIES. 12mo. London. 1834. BOORN, STEPHEN and JESSE. Trial of for the murder of Russel Colvin, with the subsequent wonderful discovery of Colvin alive. 2d ed. 8vo. Rutland. 1820. BOOTE, R. Solicitor's Practice in the Court of Chancery, epi- tomized, from the commencement of the suit to the decree ; with an appendix of useful precedents. Bvo. London. 1791. . An Historical Treatise of an Action or Suit at Law, and of the Proceedings used in the Courts of Common Pleas and King's Bench, from the original process to the judg- ment. To which is prefixed an Historical Treatise of the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas. By George Crompton and B. J. Sellon, Serjeants at Law. 6th ed. 8vo. London. 1825. 7th ed. By G. T. White. 1838. BOOTH, A. Examen Legum Anglise ; or, the laws of England examined by Scripture, antiquity and reason. 4to. London. 1656. BOOTH, GEO. <jVature and Practice of Real Actions, in their writs and process, both original and judicial, with some records of the county palatine of Chester, &c. 2d ed. corrected, with the additions and notes of the late Mr. Serj. Hill, royal 8vo. London. 1811. Booth on Real Actions, is an imperfect and unsatisfactory book, but for want of a better treatise upon the subject, " is even cited as an authoritative compilation." The editor of the American edition, John Anthon, translated the ancient records from the Latin and added a few references to American and English editions. 8vo., New York, 1808. 3 Blackstone's Cora. 298, n. ; North's Study of the Laws, 7G. BOOTHBY, B. Synopsis of the law relating to Indictable Of- fences ; in which the crimes in alphabetical order, the respective punishments, the necessary evidence, together with observations embracing a condensed digest of cases, are tabularly arranged ; and comprising also, references to the precedents of indictments for each offence, and to the text writers on criminal pleading and evidence. 12mo. London. 1812. The arrangement of this work is one of its peculiar claims upon the 134