Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/163

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BRO Teadincs which do not appear to be now extant, and quotes many cases which appear to have fallen under his own knowledge as a Judge and Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, which are not any where extant except in a small selection from this Abridgment, called Brooke's New Cases." Lord Coke calls the Abridgment " a worthy and painful work and an excellent repertory or table for the Year Books of the law. Sed satius est pelere fontes quam sedare rivulos.^^ . Brooke abridged the cases with great care and accuracy, and is understood to have had access to the original records of the Year Books. In the early editions the abbreviations of the words are so frequent as scarcely to be intelligible to those who are well versed in black letter lore. The best and most easily consulted edition is that of 1573, in which many of the words abbreviated in former editions are printed at length. In this edition. Title Distress, Placitum, 30 and 94, are twice repeated. The editions are 15G8, 1570, 1573, 1576, 1586. Fulbeck's Study of the Law, 71 ; Pt. 10, Reports, Pref. 33 ; 5 Reeves' Eng. Law, 24-1 ; Bythewood's Eunomus, Pref. 23 ; 1 Kent, 507 ; Ram on Legal Judgment, 89, 10ft. BROOKE, R. A Reading on Magna Charta, c. XVII. 4to. Lon- don. 1641. — , A Reading on the Statute of Limitations, 28 Hen. VII., c. II. 8vo. London. 1647. "I object to Brooke's Reading as authority. They were no more than lectures." 3 Brod. & B. 226 ; 6 Moore, 553, 564 ; but see Preston on Abstracts, 232. BROOKE, SIR ROBERT. See Bellewe. BROOKE, EDW. Bibliolheca Legum Angliae, Part II. ; con- taining a General Account of the Laws and Law Writers of Eng- land, from the earliest times, to the Reign of Edward III., &;c. 12mo. London. 1788. See Worrall. BROOM, HERBERT. Practical Rules for Determining Parties to Actions, Digested and Arranged with Cases. 8vo. London. 1843. A concise and excellent Treatise upon the subject. 7 Jurist, 36; 25 L. O. 452. . A Selection of Legal Maxims, Classified and Illustrated. 8vo. London. 1845. See Law Library. The author has availed himself of the labors of all his predecessors in this department of jurisprudence, and has gleaned with commendable industry the modern cases, illustrative of the maxims which he has selected. The classification, illustrations, and qualifications of these 151