Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/171

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BUR script published, selecting, as he says, " the fittest and choicest cases out of those reports which I have with no small care, labor and pains, collected together." The prefaces to the parts, or rather dedications, are curiosities in point of language and character of composition, emi- nently characteristic of the English style of writing in the early part of the seventeenth century. In this respect Bulstrode appears to have attempted to rival " that Leviathan of the law" Lord Coke. Among others the reports have the imprimatur of Lord Hale, as follows — " I have perused divers cases in these reports, and I think they are fit to be published." — Matthew Hale. There is a chasm in the pagination of the second part of the reports, but the book is perfect. BULSTRODE, WHITLOCK. Three Charges to Grand and other Juries, &c. 8vo. London. 1718-22. BUNBURY, AV. Reports of Cases in the Exchequer, from the beginning of the Reign of Geo. L to 14 Geo. IL, published from his own Manuscripts. By G. Wilson, fol. London. 1755. 2d ed. 8vo. Dubhn. 1793. It appears from the preface of this volume, written by George Wil- son, the editor of the same, that these notes of cases had been frequently transcribed, and cited with approbation in Westminster Hall, before they were printed. They seem to have been corrected by the author, ready for the press, although nothing appears from which it may be inferred that he designed to have them printed. Lord Mansfield said, " Mr. Bunbury never meant that these cases should have been published ; they are very loose notes." This is certainly not in accordance with what the editor, the reporter's son-in-law, says of them, who must of had a better opportunity of knowing than Lord Mansfield. It is certain, however, that in most instances they are merely notes of cases too briefly reported to be of much value as precedents. 5 Burr. 2658 ; 2 Madd. 110; 5 Wend. 57G. BURCH, SAMUEL. Lidex to the Laws of the United Slates, from March 4th, 1789, to March 3d, 1827. 8vo. Washington. 1828. BURCHELL, J. On the Question of the Sheriff's Liability for Acts done after a Secret Act of Bankruptcy. 8vo. London. 1829. . Digest of Adjudged Cases. 8vo. London. 1808 . A Table, containing the Particulars of Bailable Process for Debts, sued out in Middlesex, and in the whole King- dom, for one year, 1802, with Observations on the Law of Civil Imprisonment. 8vo. London. ^802, 159