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BUR we know of none, of like extent, more replete with useful knowledge and judicious reflections." Hoffman's Leg. Stu, 532; Irving's Civr. "Law, 19G; 13 L. M. 533, BURLAMQUI, J. J. Principes du Droit de la Nature at des Gens, avec la Suite du Droit de la Nature ; le tout Considerablement Augmente, par M. le Professeur de Felice ; Nouvelle edition, par M. Dupin. 5 torn. 8vo. Paris. 1820, The annotator, de Felice, augmented the work, but he has so mingled his additions with the original matter, that it is frequently difficult to distinguish the one from the other, and as tliese additions " sont presque toujours en contradiction, il en nait une confusion fatigante pour I'es-' prit" — Dupin improved the treatise, and his edition is the most complete and desirable. M. Cotelle, a rival editor, has added to his edition many valuable notes, 2 vols., 8vo., Paris, 1821. The work, as first published, comprised a part of the author's lectures upon a subject that he had been delivering and maturing for more than twenty years, and appeared shortly before his death. Subsequent editions have partly been aug- mented by the notes of his pupils of the unpublished lectures, the original for a long time having been, as it was supposed, lost. Fortu- nately, the entire manuscript has recently been found, and we may soon expect a complete edition of this justly celebrated work. Burlamqui is " a writer of the most humanely moral principles," and his works are deservedly held in high esteem. 1 Belime Philosophie du Droit, 16; 7 Rev. Etrang, 512; 2 Dupin's Camus, 35. Elemens du Droit Naturel. Augmentee des devoirs de I'homme et du Citoyen, traduit du Latin de Puffendorf, par Barbeyrac, avec les notes du Traducteur et le Jugement de Leib- nitz. 8vo, Paris. 1820. This was a posthumous publication. Ses ouvrages sont generalement estimes et sont ete traduits en plusieurs langues. Hubner en a enfait un grand eloge dans son Essai siu- VHislaire du droit naturel. Dupin's Camus, 35. . Principes du Droit Naturel et Politique. 4to. Geneve. 1747. 12mo. Paris. 1821. Thomas Nugent has given a very good English translation of the above, which has passed through several editions — 8vo., London, 1748, 52, G3, 84; Boston, 1792; Cambridge, 1807; Philadelphia, 1830. Hoff- man's Leg. Stu. 112. BURN, J. L Digested Index to the Modern Reports of the Courts of Common Law, previous to the Term Reports ; including W. Blackstone, Burrow, Cowper, Douglas, Lofft, Raymond, Salkeld, Strange, Willes, Wilson. 8vo. London. 1804. 162