Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/183

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CAM CALVERT, FREDERICK. A Treatise upon the Law respecting Parties to Suits in Equity. 8vo. London. 1837. See Law Library. The autli^r has not given the modern cases much attention, and his book contains many errors. " It exhibits no acquaintance either with the practice of Equity drawing, or the modes of reasoning which a know- ledge of its principles would suggest." 1 Jurist, 138. . Observations on Proceedings in Equity, as to Joint Stock Companies, with suggestions. Svo. London. 1842. " A brief and able pamphlet upon a subject of acknowledged difR- culty." 5 Jurist, 18G. CALTIIROP, CHARLES. The Relation between a Lord of a Manor and a Copyholder. 4to. London. 1G35. CALTUROP, SIR HENRY. Reports of Special Cases touching several Customs and Liberties of the City of London ; whereunto are annexed divers Ancient Customs of the said City. 12mo. London. 1655, 1670. " Prettily reported, and worth reading." 2 Bur. 249. . Liberties, Usages, and Customs of the City of London, Confirmed by Especial Acts of Parliament, with the Time of their Confirmation ; also divers ample and most Benefi- cial Charters, granted by Hen. VI., Edw. IV., and Hen. VII., not confirmed by Parliament as the other Charters were ; and where to find every particular Grant and Confirmation at large, (fee. 4to. London. 1642, 1670, 1674. CAMBRIDGE TOLL CAUSE. A full and accurate Report of the important Cambridge Toll Cause, tried in the Court of King's Bench, at Westminster, to determine the Right of the Corporation of Cambridge to exact certain Tolls from the Inhabitants of the town of Cambridge; with the Arguments of the Counsel on the Application for a New Trial, and the Judgment of the Court thereon. With an Appendix containing Documents alluded to on the Trial, and not before published, 8vo. London. 1829. CAMERON, DUNCAN, and WILLIAM NORWOOD. Reports of Cases ruled and determined in the Court of Conference of North Carolina. Svo. Raleigh. 1805. 2d ed. with Taylor's North Carolina Reports, wilh Notes and References. By William Battle. Svo. Raleigh. 1844. 171