Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/211

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CLA CLARK, ROBERT. A View of the Office of a Sherifl' in Scot- land. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1824. CLARK, JOHN. Inquiry into the Nature and Value of Leasehold Property, Reversionary Literest in Estates and Life Annuities, with a variety of Tables demonstrating the ratio of Fines due on the renewal of Leases of Church, College, and other estates, and for the Purchase and Sale of Leases of every denomination. Svo. London. 1808. CLARK, C. AND W. FINNELLY. Reports of Cases heard and decided in the House of Lords, on Appeals and Writs of Error, from 1831 to 1845. 11 vols. Svo. London. 1835-45. CLARK. The Young Clark's Guide, or an exact Collection of choice English Precedents, according to the best Forms now used. Compiled by Sir R. H. Counciller. 12mo. London. 1670. CLARKE, M. ST. CLAIR, and D. A. HALL. Cases of Con- tested Elections in Congress, from 1789 to 1734, inclusive. Svo. Washington. 1834. CLARKE, C. L. Reports of Chancery Cases decided in the eighth Circuit of the State of New York, by the Hon. F. Whit- tlesey, Vice Chancellor. Svo. Rochester. 1841. CLARKE, JOHN. Bihliotheca Legum ; or complete Cata- logue of the Common and Statute Law Books of the United Kingdom, with an account of their dates and prices, arranged in a new manner, interspersed with Observations from the best authorities, on the principal works. New edition, with numerous Additions and Corrections. 18mo. London. 1819. CLAVEL, ROBERT. His Majesty's Propriety and Dominion of the British Seas asserted. . Svo. London. 1065. CLAY, C. C. A Digest of the Laws of the State of Alabama, containing all the Statutes of a public and general nature in force at the close of the session of the General Assembly, in Feb. 1843, to which are prefixed the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, the Act to enable the people of Alabama to form a Constitution and State Government, and the Constitution of the Slate of Alabama ; with an Appendix con- taining the Rules of Court and Practice adopted by the Supreme Court of Alabama. Svo. Tuscaloosa. 1843. 199