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COK CODE DE COMMERCE, Translated from the French, for the use of Mercantile Agents, and Ship Masters, as well as Gentle- men of the Law. 12mo. London. 1826. " This modern Code is valuable as a careful and concise digest of the edicts of 1G75 and 1681, and of the jurisprudence of Pothier, Valin, and Emerigon." Bell's Com. CODE NAPOLEON ; or the French Civil Code, literally trans- lated by a Barrister of the Inner Temple, royal 8vo. London. 1827. 8vo. New York. 1841. , Verbally Translated from the French, to which is prefixed an Litroductory Discourse, containing a succinct account of the Civil Regulations, comprised in the Jewish Law, the Ordi- nances of Menu, the Ta tsing leu lee, the Zend avesta, the Laws of Solon, the Twelve Tables of Rome, the Laws of the Barba- rians, the Assizes of Jerusalem, and the Koran. By Bryant Bar- rett and George Spence. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1811. COKE, SIR EDWARD. The First Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England ; or a Commentary upon Littleton, by Lord Coke. Revised and corrected, with additions of Notes, Refer- ences, and proper Tables, by Francis Hargrave and Charles But- ler, including also the notes of Lord Hale and Lord Chancellor Nottingham, with additional Notes by Charles Butler; to which is added a comprehensive Index, 19lh ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lon- don. 1832. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1812. To which are added considerable improvements, by Thomas Day. The editions of Coke Littleton, from the first to the fourteenth inclu- sive, were published in folio, and the residue of the editions are in octavos. First edition, 1628, very incorrect; 2d, 1629, carefully revised and corrected by the author. From the second to the ninth edition, reprints without any essential alterations. To the 9th, 1684, were added Coke's Reading on Fines, and a Treatise on Bail and Mainprize. 10th, 1703 — Coke's Copyholder, and references by an eminent lawyer, were added to this edition, lllh, 1719 — to which are added Old jTenures, and some notes and additions, showing how far the law is altered since those authors wrote. 12th, 17.38 — in which some marginal references are omitted and many added. Mr. Hargrave has observed that this edition is very incorrect ; instances occurring in almost every page, of authorities on which Lord Coke's opinions were founded being totally suppressed; a liberty not taken in any other edition. 1 3th, 1788 — corrected with great 204