Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/22

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10 ABBREVIATIONS. Chit. Jr., Cont. Chitty, Jr., on Contracts. Chit. E. Eq. Ind. Edward Chitty's Equity Index. Chit. Arch. P. Chitty's Edition of Archbold's Practice. Chit. Sum. P. Chitty's Summary of the Practice of the Su- perior Courts. Chil. Chillingworth. Chip. N. N. Chipman's Reports. Chip. Cont. Chipman on Contracts. Chip. D. D. Chipman's Reports. Cho. Ca. Ch. Choice Cases in Chancery. Chris. B. L. Christian's Bankrupt Laws. Cla. & Fin. Clark and Finnelly's Reports. Cla. Clayton's Reports of Pleas of Assize. Cla. H. & W. ~ Clancy's Treatise on Husband and Wife. CI. 2, 5, 2. Clementines, or the Decretals of Pope Clement. 2d Book, Tit. 5, Ch. 2. CI. or Rot. CI. Rotulus Clausarum. The Close Roll. CI. Ass. Clerk's Assistant. Clei. Cleirac. Clk. Mag. The Rhode Island Clerk's Magazine. Cliff. South. El. C. Clifford's Southwark Election Cases. Clift. Ent. Clift's Entries. Cock. & R. Cockburn and Rowe's Election Cases. C. L. R. English Common Law Reports. C. Theod.() Codex Theodosiani. Cod. Nap. Code Napoleon. Cod. Justiniani Codex. Cod.Jur.orGibs. Cod. Codex, (Juris Civilis,) Gibson's Codex. Co. Rep. or Co. or) ^ , , „ Co. Cop. Coke's Copyholder. Co. Ent. Coke's Entries. Co. Litt. Coke on Littleton, (1st Institute.) Co. M. C. Coke's Magna Charta, (2d Inst.) Co. P. C. Coke's Pleas of the Crown, (3d Inst.) (e) " The Theodosian Code is merely a collection of statutes, containing the arbi- trary enactments of several Emperors ; and rescripts or adjudged Cases involving points which had been submitted to their decisions." — Reddie's letter to the Lord Chancellor, page 16. (f) It must be borne in mind that in the dilTercnt editions of these Reports, some of them have two pages of the older upon one of the later editions. When, there- fore, a reference is made to Coke's Reports, and the case is not found upon the page cited, multiply the figures of the page by two, and the product will indicate the place sought. It will also be observed that division must be resorted to in a case e contra.