Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/231

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CON title Pleader, which is "a more systematic compilation upon Pleading than had previously appeared; comprising the substance not only of the authorities collected in the Boclrina Placiiandi, but also of the Cases subsequently decided, and reducing the whole under dilTerent heads upon a plan peculiarly scientific and masterly." Comyns' Digest was originally composed in law French, and the headings of the titles, still retaining this venerable jargon, may give the novice a little trouble in finding the desired object of pursuit. Some mistakes of Comyns will be found noticed in 5 Taunt. 707, 709 ; 1 Maul. & Sel. 363; 1 Barn. & Aid. 712 ; (3) 586 ; (4) 442 ; 3 Mason, 283. The American edition of Comyns is ably edited. 8A. J. 276; 1 Bart. Conv. 70; Wood. El. Juris, 103; Morgan's Vade Mecum, Pref. 10; 3 Co. Lit. note, 96, 17, a; 6 N, A. Rev. 74; 3 T. R. 51, 64, 631 ; Warren's L. S. 778, 820; 1 Kent's Com. 510; 8 Price, 61 ; 5 Bingham, 387, 388 ; Part II. Brooks' Bib. Leg. 234 ; Step. PL Pref. ; 7 T. R. 743 ; 4 Ves. 342. CONCANEN, G. Report on the Trial at Bar, Rowe v. Brenton, in the Court of King's Bench, Westminster, Mich. Term, 9 Geo. IV., as to the Right to IMinerals in the Assessional Lands of the Duchy of Cornwall ; with explanatory Notes and an Appendix, containing the Records and Documents as given in Evidence. 8vo. London. 1830. CONDENSED REPORTS. See Crunch, English Exchequer, English Chancery, English Common Lmv, Harrison, Peters, and Wilcox. CONDUCTOR GENERALIS ; or the Office, Duty, and Autho- rity of Justices of the Peace, High Sheriff, &c. By a Gentleman of the Bar. Bvo. New York. 1821. . Being the Law relative to Justices of the Peace. Bvo. Albany. 1819. CONDY, . A Digest of the State and United States Militia Laws. 8vo. Charleston. 1830. CONFERENCE REPORTS. See Cameron and Norwood. CONINGESBY, FREDERICK. The Attorney's new Pocket- book and Conveyancer's Assistant ; containing a Collection of the most common and approved Precedents. 2 vols. 12mo. Lon- don. 1798. 219