Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/235

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CON its intrinsic equity and excellence obtained an extended influence. An account of its formal and successive adoption by the diflerent govern- ments of Europe, may be found in Pardessus' edition of the Consolato. Although this embodiment of commercial usages originated in a bar- barous age, the adoption and influence of its principles are deeply imbedded in the commercial law of all Europe, and even the judicial tribunals of America have not been unmindful of the respect due these ancient usages. Mr. Justice Story remarks that "the Consolato contains the rudiments of the law of Prize as it is at present administered ; and its authority has perhaps weighed more than any other in settling the great controversy of our own times relative to the question whether free ships make free goods," " The tree under which the nations of Europe once reposed, after the lapse of four centuries, is still undecaying and majestic. Its branches, though curtailed in their proportions, still spread in luxuriance and vigor, and the trunk, though its exterior is rugged from age, is solid within." Duer's Ins. 37 ; 7 N. A. Rev. 330 ; Volin's Com. Pref. ; Park's Ins. Intro. 70; Boucher's Consulato, 11; Capmany's Codigo, 35; 2 Pard. Col. lois Mar, ; "Ward's Prize Tr. 32; 2 Bro. Civ. L. 41, n. ; 2 Dupin's Camus, 440; Wheaton's Hist. L. N. 62 ; 3 Kent's Com. 10; Reddie's Mar. Com. 171 ; 4 Bing. N. C. 134. CONST, FRA. Laws relating to the Poor ; in which the Statutes and Cases to Easter Term, 1807, are arranged under their respec- tive heads ; and the whole System of the Poor Laws, including the collections originally made by E. Bott, togetlier with many Cases never before published, placed in a clear and perspicuous point of view. 3 vols. 8vo. liOndon. 1807. ~. Supplement to Hilary Term, 1814. 8vo. London. 1815. CONSTABLE. The Exact Constable, with his original and power in all Cases belonging to his Office, &c. By E. W. 8vo. Lon- don. 1680. CONSTABLE'S ASSISTANT. Being a Compendium of the Duties and Powers of Constables, chiefly as they relate to the Apprehending of Offenders, and the laying of Information before Magistrates. 4th ed. 12mo. London. 1831. CONSTITUTION. An Historical Essay on the English Consti- tution, or an impartial Inquiry into the Elective Power of the People, from the first establishment of the Saxons in this King- dom. Svo. London. 1771. 223