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COR CORNISH, W. F. Treatise on Purchase Deeds, consisting of brief and familiar Essays on the various Assurances, by which Free- hold Property is transferred, and of Precedents, with Annotations. 8vo. London. 1828. CORNWALL, .TAMES. Tables to the Modern printed Precedents of Pleadings, Writs, &c., at the Common Law ; being a continua- tion from Mr. Townsend's Tables, down to this time. By R. G. 2 vols. fol. London. 1705. CORNWALL AND DEVON. Law of the Stannaries of Cornwall, made at the Convocation or Parliament of Tinners, at Truro, Sept. 13, an. 27 Geo. IL, in which the Laws made 22 Jac. L, 12 Car. L, and 4 Jac. IL are confirmed. 8vo. London. CORNWALL. The Acts of Parliaments relating to the Courts of the Stannaries, with the Rules and Orders for the Regulation of the Practice and Pleadings in the same Courts, including the Table of Costs. 12mo. London. 1844. CORONERS OF COUNTIES, &c. Concise Directions for ob- taining the Lord Chancellor's Orders for the Election and Removal of Coroners, Venderors and Regarders of Forests, with Cases from the Official Books of the Receiver of Fines of the Court of Chancery. 8vo. London. 1831. CORONERS. Considerations on some of the Laws relating to the Office of Coroner, and on the Practice of Coroners in taking Inquisition. Super Visum Corporis. Svo. New Castle. 1776. CORPORATIONS. The Law of Corporations; containing the Laws and Customs of all the Corporations and inferior Courts of Record, in England. Svo. London. 1702. CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS Recognoverunt Adnotationibusque Cri- ticis Instructum Ediderunt D. Albertus, et D. Mauritius fratres Kriegelii, D. iEemilius Herrmann, D. Edwardus Osenbriiggen. Pars prior, Institutiones et Digesta. Pars altera, Codex. Pars tertia, Novelloe, etc. 3 tom. Svo. Lipsite. 1833-44. CORWINE, RICHARD M. An enlarged Digest of the Reported Cases in the High Court of Errors and Appeals of the State of Mississippi, together with the reported Decisions, Orders and Decrees of the Superior Court of Chancery, of said State ; in- 230