Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/248

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CRA District Courts. Many of them have been collected into volumes, but many are scattered through periodical publications, or interspersed among the decisions of the State tribunals, or collected by the industry of the authors of elementary treatises, and commentators on foreign publication. All these sources of information have been industriously explored, and the materials vi^hich they contain carefully collected." The Cases, for the most part, are chronologically arranged under appropriate titles, placing the Supreme Court decisions first, and then succeed those of the Circuit and District Courts. The table of Cases is omitted, and an increased division of titles would have rendered the Digest more convenienfand readily consumable. Pref. ; 1 A. J. 330. COYER L'ABBE. Commentaire sur le Code Criminel d'Angle- terre, Traduit de I'Anglais de Blackstone. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1776. II y aune traduction avec notes, faite par le tribun Ludot, 8vo., Paris, 1801. L'une et I'antre ne contionnent que ceque Blackstone a dit sur le droit criminel, dans ses commentaires sur les lois d'Angleterre. Dupin's Camus, 588. CRABB, GEO. The Conveyancer's Assistant; or a series of Pre- cedents in Conveyancing, and Commercial Forms, in alphabetical order, adapted to the present state of the Law and Practice of Conveyancing ; with copious Prefaces, Observations, and Notes on the several Deeds ; to which are added the late Real Property Acts, and the latest decisions thereon. 3d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1845. The second and third editions are enlarged and very much improved ; the Precedents are condensed and furnished with suitable and learned notes. 4 Leg. Exam. & L. C. 302; 9 L. O. 118; (17) 467. . The Law of Real Property in its Present Stale ; practically arranged and digested in all its branches, including the very last Decisions of the Courts. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1846. . History of the English Law, or an Attempt to trace the Rise, Progress, and successive Changes of the Common Law, from the earliest period to the present time. 8vo. London. 1829. 1st Am. ed. with definitions and translations of Law Terms and Phrases. 8vo. Burlington. 1831. This volume, upon comparison, will be found to be, in the main, an 236