Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/251

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CRO CRAWFORD, G. and EDW. S. DIX. Reports of Cases argued and ruled on the Circuits, in Ireland, comprising Decisions at the Crown and Civil sides of the Courts, from 1839 to 1842. 2 vols, and 3 Parts of vol. 3d. 8vo. Dublin. 1844. CREIGHTOX, J. C. The Acts relating to Insolvent Debtors, with a copious Index. 2d ed. 8vo. Dublin. 1841. CRESS WELL, R. N. Reports of Cases heard and decided by his Majesty's Commissioners of the Court for Relief of Insolvent Debtors, from October, 1827, to June, 1829. 8vo. London. 1830. CRIMINAL RECORDER. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1812. CRIPPS, HENRY W. A Practical Treatise on the Laws relating to the Church and the Clergy. 8vo. London. 1845. "■ Mr. Cripps has taken the happy via media between too copious and elaborate a Codex of Church law on the one side, and a vade mecum of it, in a too abstract and narrow consideration on the other. The arrange- ment of the book is clear and methodical, and it contains a judicious analysis of the leading ecclesiastical decisions." 3 L. M. N. S. 151. CRISP, J. The Conveyancer's Guide, or Law Student's Recrea- tion ; a Poem. With Notes and numerous Additions. 3d ed. 12mo. London. 1835. The author proposes to teach, in Hudibrastic verse, the principles of Conveyancing in an amusing manner. It is a work that will richly repay a perusal, not only for the anecdote and history that it contains, but for the comicality of the comparisons and illustrations. The author insists, in a well written preface, that poetry is the original lan- guage of the law, and he has shown by the most irrefragable proof that a naturally grave subject may be made to appear to considerable advan- tage in a merry mood. CRITICA JURIS INGENIOSA; or, choice Cases in the Com- mon Law, never published before. By H. B., Esq. 12mo. Lon- don. 1661. CRITICISMS ON THE BAR; including Strictures on the prin- cipal Counsel of the Courts of K. B. and C. P., Chancery and Exchequer. By Amicus Curiae. 12mo. London. 1819. CROCKET, G. F. H. An Essay on the Abolition of Capital Punishments. 8vo. Georgetown, Ky. 1823. 239