Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/261

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DAL GUSHING, L. S. Supplements to the Revised Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 8vo. Boston. 1840 to 1846. CUSTANCE, G. A Concise View of the Constitution of Eng- land. 8vo. London. 1815. DAFFORNE, R. Merchant's Mirrour. See Mahjnes. DAGGE, HENRY. Considerations on Criminal Law. 2d ed. corrected and considerably enlarged. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1774. DALISON, GULIELME. Reports des divers Cases adjugez en la Court del Common Bank, en les regnes des Roys Hen. VHL, Edw. VL, et les Reines Marie et Eliz. fol. London. 1689. Dalison's Reports were collected and published with Benloe's, by John Rowe, and some of the Cases had also previously appeared at the end of Ashe's Tables, as well as appended to Keilwey's Reports. Those at the end of Ashe, are the same as those at the end of Keilwey, but in the latter they have many references which are not in the former. Ser- jeant Hendon cited Dalison, from Ashe, in a case before Lord Hobart, when the Judge " demanded of him by what authority those Reports of Dalison came into print." With Benloe's, they afterwards came into print under the imprimatur of Judges Wright, Herbert, and Atkins. Of Dalison little is known, and his Reports long since ranked among the antiquities of the law, and are now almost obsolete and valueless. Winch's Rep. 43; Pref. Cro. Eliz.; Pref. Benloe & Dalison; Bridg. Leg. Bib. 182. DALLAM, JAMES W. A Digest of the Laws of Texas, contain- ing a full and complete Compilation of the Land Laws, together with the Opinions of the Supreme Court. 8vo. Baltimore, 1845. DALLAS, A.. J. Reports of Cases in the Courts of the United States, and Pennsylvania, before and since the Revolution. 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1790-1807. The first volume has been twice reprinted, the third edition of which was edited by T. I. Wharton, who added notes and an appendix. The fourth volume has also been reprinted, with additions by B. Gerhard. These Reports are the oldest in the United States, except Kirby's; and a large share of the cases are those in which the learned reporter was engaged as counsel. Lord Mansfield is reported to have said of them, that " they do credit to the Court, the Bar, and the Reporter ; they show readiness in practice, liberality in principle, strong reason and legal learning; the method, too, is clear, and the language plain." Peake's Evid. by Randall, Pref. ; I Conn. Rep. Pref. 28; 5 Month. Anth. 156. 249