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DOM DODERIDGE, SIR JOHN. The Lawyer's Light; or a true Direction for the Study of the Law, Choice of Books, &c. ; to which is added the Use of the Law. By Lord Bacon. 4to. London. 1629. . The Complete Parson ; or, a Description of Ad- vowsons, &c. at the several Readings in New Inn. 4to. London. 164L . Opinions of Antiquaries, touching the Antiquity and Power of Parliaments. 12mo. London. 1672. . See Noy. DODSON, J. Report of the Judgment of Sir William Scott, in the Cause of Dalrymple the Wife, against Dalrymple the Hus- band; with an Appendix, containing the Depositions of the Wit- nesses, the Letters of the Parties, and other Papers exhibited in the Cause. 8vo. London. 1811. . Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Admiralty, commencing with the Judgments of Sir William Scott, from T. T. 1811, to E. T. 1822. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1815-28. DODSON, MICHAEL. Life of Sir Michael Foster, of the Court of King's Bench. 8vo. London. 1811. DOGHERTY, T. The Crown Circuit Assistant ; being a collec- tion of Precedents of Indictments, Informations, Convictions by Justices, Inquisitions, Pleas, and other Entries in Criminal and Penal Proceedings, &c. 8vo. London. 1787. DOMAT, JEAN. CEuvres Completes, nouvelle edition, revue, Corrigee et precedee d'une notice historique sur Domat ; aug- mentees de I'indication des articles de nos Codes, qui se rappor- tent aux differentes questions traitees par cet auteur, etc. Par J. Remy. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1828-30. There is also a French edition, by Carre, in 9 vols., 8vo., which pur- ports to be the entire works of Doraat, but it does not contain the Droit public. There are various editions of Les Lois Civiles, by different edi- tors, but the most complete, and the best, is fol., Paris, 1777. There are two other editions of the same date in quarto, which are inferior, and may be readily distinguished from the folio by their size. 270