Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/299

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EDE EAST INDIA. COMPANY. A Collection of Statutes and Laws relating to India and the East India Company. 4to. London. 1840. ECKHARDUS, CIIR. IIEN. Ileimeneutica Juris. Editio Nova Curante Car. Wil. Walch. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1802. This is a valuable work upon Hermeneutics, in which the learned reader will find references to many writers upon this subject. ECCLESIASTICAL LEGAL GUIDE to Archbishops, Bishops, and their Secretaries, the Clergy, Patrons of Benefices, Solicitors, Parish Officers, &c. ; with Forms of the different Instruments, and Particulars of the Ceremonies on Account of Ecclesiastical Matters, and Cases and Opinions from eminent Counsel and Doc- tors in Civil Law. Part I. 8vo. London. 1839. ECCLESIASTICAL COURTS. The Special and General Re- ports made to His Majesty, by the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the Practice and Jurisdiction of the Ecclesiastical Courts of England and Wales, bearing date respectively the 25th of January, 1831, and the 15th of February, 1832 ; with an Index. 12mo. London. 1832. ECCLESIASTICAL LAW. See Johnson. EDEN, R. Jurisprudentia Philologica ; sive Eleraenta Juris Civi- lis, secundum Methodum et seriem Instilutionum Justiniani, notis Classicis et Historicis, nee non Parallelis Juris Anglicani Locis, illustrata. 4to. Oxon. 1744. EDEN, R. II. A Digest of the Bankrupt Law, with an Appendix of Precedents, framed with reference to the New Act, 1 & 2 Will. IV. c. 65 ; and the General Rules and Orders for Regulat- ing the Practice of His Majesty's Court of Bankruptcy. 3d ed. 8vo. London. 1832. . A Practical Treatise on the Bankrupt Law, as amended by the New Act of the 6 Geo. IV. c. 16. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1826. See Law Library. . A Treatise on the Law of Injunctions. 8vo. London. 1821. 1st American ed. with Notes and References to American Decisions. 8vo. New York. 1822. 8vo. Albany. 1839. 287