Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/317

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FEL considered the best source of information upon these topics. Though it is admitted to contain artificial distinctions and technicalities, the force and propriety of which it is sometimes difficult to perceive, yet upon the whole so accurate are the analogies, so clear and perspicuous the style, and so logical and convincing the reasoning, that one is led irresistibly to the author's conclusions. "Tie seems to have been possessed of a vigor of conception, and powers of discrimination, beyond what ordinarily fall to the lot of human nature, and fortunately for the student, the classical elegance of the author's diction, and the spiritedness of his language, are such as to captivate his attention, at the same time that the acuteness of his obser- vations will claim his admiration." The correctness of some parts of Fearne's classification, has been questioned by Mr. Cornish and Professor Hoffman, who also attribute to him "the occasional want of legal accuracy in his definitions." The tenth edition contains the deductions of all the late decisions, clearly and forcibly expressed, and is furnished with excellent indexes and marginal references. 9 Jurist, 123 ; 1 Mart. Conv. 42 ; 1 Bart. Conv. 32 ; G N. A. Rev. 54 ; 2 M. L. M. 62 ; 1 L. M. 55, 120 ; Bridg. Bib. 115; Co. Lit. 20, a, 5 ; 1 Kent, 514 ; Hoff. Leg. Stu. 240, 683 ; 3 Bos. & Pul. 656 ; 10 Barn. & Cres. 190; 10 Bing. 148, 151. FEARNE, C. Posthumous Works; consisting of a Reading on the Statute of Enrolments, Arguments in the singular Case of General Stanwix, and a Collection of Cases and Opinions, selected from the Author's Manuscripts. By T. M. Shadwell. 8vo. London. 1797. FEDERALIST, on the New Constitution, written in 1788, by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay. A new ed. 8vo. Hallowell. 1842. Translated into French, 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1792. FELL, W. W. A Treatise on the Laws of Mercantile Guaranties, and of Principal and Surety in general. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1820. 1st American cd. from the 2d English ed. By Charles Walker. 8vo. New York. 1825. FELLOWE, HEN. Laws respecting Copyholds and Court Keep- ing ; with the Method of keeping Courts Leet, Courts Baron, &c. ; and an Appendix, containing a variety of Copyhold Prece- dents, with Instructions respecting the Formalities and Ceremo- nies used in taking them. 8vo. London. 1799. 20 305