Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/321

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FIN Blackstone's Commentaries, was regarded as the best elementary book to be placed in the hands of law students. It is one of the few attempts that have been made to reduce the Common Law into system; and the author prided himself very much upon having accomplished so difficult a task, as appears from the dedication to King James. His definitions are exact, his style concise and nervous, and his illustrations clear and authentic. " With all these advantages, it is not sufficiently adapted to modern use ; since the subsequent alterations of the law, by the abolition of military tenures and the disuse of real actions, have rendered near half of the book obsolete." Most of the valuable parts of Finch are incorporated in Blackstone's Commentaries. Prcf. Black. Anal. 6; Nie. Eng. Hist. Lib. 130; 2 Campbell's Lives, 513; 2 A. J. 77; 6 L. M. 47; 1 Bart. Conv. 96; 1 Kent, 508. FINCH, SIR HENRY. A Summary of the Common Law, ex- tracted from Finch's learned Treatise of the Law. 12mo. Lon- don. 1654. FINCH. See Chancery, arid Precedents in Chantery. FINES AND RECOVERIES. A Practical Treatise on, by a Gen- tleman of the Inner Temple. 8vo. London. 1753. FINLAY, J. The Office and Duly of Churchwardens and Parish Officers, in Ireland. 3d ed., with a Supplement contain- ing a Reading on the 7th Geo. lY. c. 72, commonly called the Vestry Act, setting forth and explaining the several Clauses of that Statute seriatim. 8vo. Dublin. . On the Laws of Game and Inland Fisheries in Ireland. 8vo. Dublin. . A Digested Index to all the Irish Reported Cases in Law and Equity, from the earliest period to the present time; and also of the Reported Cases in Ecclesiastical and Criminal Law; together with a variety of Original Cases from authentic sources, containing many of the Judgments of Lord Clifford. Svo. Dublin. 1830. . A Treatise on the Law of Renewals, in respect of Leases and Lives renewable for ever in Ireland, with the Cases and Decisions thereon, including an extensive Report of the im- portant and unpublished Case of Filzsimon v. Burton ; also, the Cases in respect to the Renewals of Ecclesiastical Leases in Ire- land ; with Tables for the Calculation of Fines. Svo. Dublin. 1822. 309