Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/331

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FOR FORSTER, SAM. A Digest of all the Laws relating to the Cus- toms, to Trade ami Navigation ; with a short Historical Disser- tation, concerning the Nature, Extent, and Method of Collection of the Revenue of the Crown. 8vo. London. 1727. FORSYTH, WILLIAxM. A Treatise on the Law relating to Com- position with Creditors; with an Appendix containing Precedents of Pleadings and Deeds. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1844. The author has carefully brought together, and treated with great neat- ness and accuracy, the Cases, without attempting to extract from them a connected series of rules and princij)l('S. After all, the chief use of an elementary work is to aid the practising lawyer, by searching and arranging the authorities in different parts of the law ; and he who best performs this labor maj', perhaps, be thought most deserving of profes- sional gratitude. In this view of the case Mr. Forsyth is entitled to all praise. 5 Jurist, 330. . The Law relating to Simony, considered with a View to its Revision. 8vo. London. 1844. -. An Abridgment of the Statutes relating to Scotland, from 1789 to 1827. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1827. . A Dictionary of the Statute Laws of Scotland, comprehending the Scots Acts from 1424 to 1707, and the whole of the British Statutes in force and use, relative to Scotland, from the Union. 2 vols. Bvo. Edinburgh. 1842. FORSYTH, C. On the Law of Trusts in Scotland. 8vo. Edin- burgh. 1844. FORSYTH, J. S. A Synopsis of Medical Jurisprudence, Ana- tomically, Physiologically, and Forensically illustrated for the Faculty of Medicine, Coroners, Magistrates, Lawyers, and Jury- men. 12mo. London. 1829. FORTESCUE, SIR JOHN. The Difference between an Absolute and Limited Monarchy, as it more particularly regards the Eng- lish Constitution ; to which is prefixed a learned Preface concern- ing the Laws of England ; with Remarks and an Index, by John Fortescue Aland. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1714. This work is supposed to have been written after De Laudibus, etc., since the author does not quote it in the latter Treatise. 319