Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/338

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GAE FULLARTON, COLONEL. A Letter to the Right Hon. Lord

      • , on the subject of Torture, introduced into the Britisli Colo-

nies, as connected with the Laws of Old Spain. 4to. London. 1806. FULWOOD, P. Leges Angliae ; the Lawfulness of the Eccle- siastical Jurisdiction in England, asserted and vindicated. 8vo. London. 1681. FURLONG, J. S. A Treatise on the Law of Landlord and Tenant, as administered in Ireland. 2 vols. Svo. Dublin. 1845. FURNEAUX, P. Letters to the Hon. Mr. Justice Blackstone, concerning his Exposition of the Act of Toleration, and some Positions relative to Religious Liberty. 2d ed. Svo. London. 1771. GABBETT, J. A Digested Abridgment and Comparative View of the Statute Law of England and Ireland, arranged in the order of Blackstone's Commentaries ; with a Chronological Table of the Statutes, with the Supplement. 4 vols. Svo. Dublin. 1812-18. "The excellent and accurate Digest compiled by Mr, Gabbett, has furnished, as well to the barrister as to the student, a ready means of ascertaining the comparative state of the statute law. When the student has learned the enactments of English Statutes, let him not fail to con- sult Mr. Gabbett's work, for the purpose of ascertaining how far the Irish enactments correspond or differ." 1 Leg. Rep. 245 ; Tomlin's Die. Pref. . A Treatise on the Criminal Law ; comprehending all Crimes and Misdemeanors punishable by Indictment, and Offences cognisable summarily by Magistrates ; with the Modes of Proceeding upon each. 2 vols. Svo. Dublin. 1835-43. GAEL, S. H. A Practical Treatise on the Analogy between Legal and General Composition, intended as an Introduction to the Drawing of Legal Instruments, Public and Private. Svo. London. 1840. "This is a work of extraordinary merit." 9 M. L. M. 227. . The Book of Precedents of Examinations, Orders of Removal, and other Instruments ii. Parochial Settlements. 12mo. London. 1843. " This is a very useful work. To Clerks and to IMagistratcs it will 326