Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/366

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GUN 618; Irving's Civ. Law, 13C; 1 Belime, Philos du Droit, Pref. 9; Man- ning's L. of N. 25; Burigny's Life of Grolius, 111 ; 1 Lipenius Verb. Grotius, 5G2; (2)233; Doug. 626 ; 3 Bur. 1481; (4)2016; 3 Maul, & Sel. 292; (6) 103. GRO'I'IUS, HUGO. The Introduction to Dutch Jurisprudence, of Hugo Grotius, now first rendered info English. By Charles Herbert. 8vo. London. " The translation of a work of such high authority as the Introduction of Hugo Grotius, cannot prove otherwise than valuable and interesting to the profession. Those portions of the work which treat of obligations, mandate on commission, letting and hiring, and commodation, will, in particular, be found to be of great practical value to the English law- yer." 4 L. M. N. S. 358. GROUNDS AND RUDIMENTS of Law and Equity, alphabeti- cally digested ; containing a Collection of Rules and Maxims, with the Doctrine upon them, illustrated by various Cases, ex- tracted from the Books and Records, to evince that these Princi- ples have been the Foundation upon which the Judges and Sages of the Law have built their solemn Resolutions and Determina- tions, fol. London. 1749, or 1751 the same. " Did the author conceive it necessary to advise the perusal of any book of legal maxims, which are certainly far from being unprofitable, he would recommend the ' Grounds and Rudiments of Law and Equity,^ as a work by far more valuable than Finch's Law and Noy's Maxims." 1 Bart. Conv. 28, n; Bridg. Bib. 140. GUDE, R. Practice of the Crown Side of the Court of King's Bench, and the Practice of the Sessions, the General Rules of Court, and the Statutes relating to the Practice ; with a Table of Fees and Bills of Costs ; also, an Appendix of Forms and Pre- cedents. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1828. GUMLEY, J. The Law and Practice of Elections in Ireland. 8vo. Dublin. 1832. GUNNING, FREDERICK. A Practical Treatise on the Law of Tolls ; and therein of Tolls Thorough and Traverse ; Fair and Market Tolls ; Canal, Ferry, Post, and Harbour Tolls ; Turn- pike Tolls ; Rateability of Tolls ; Exemption from Tolls ; Reme- dies and Evidence in Actions for Tolls. 8vo. London. 1833. 54