Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/382

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HAR HARPER, S. Practical Hints for abstracting Title Deeds, arranged under the Heads of Freehold Title, Copyhold Title, Leasehold Title, and Miscellaneous Deeds ; with Remarks on the Operative Words peculiar to each Species of Deed. 3d ed. 8vo. London. 1829. HARPER, . Reports of Equity Cases in the Court of Appeals of South Carolina. Bvo. Columbia. 1825. . Reports of Cases in the Constitutional Court of South Carolina. 8vo. Columbia. 1824. HARRINGTON, E. B. and E. J. ROBERTS. The Revised Statutes of the State of Michigan, passed at the adjourned Ses- sion of 1837, and the regular Session of 1838. 8vo. Detroit. 1838. This revision of the laws was principally made by the Hon. W. A. Fletcher, Judge of the Circuit Court of the Territory of Michigan. When submitted to the legislature some changes were made, some addi- tions, &c. Harrington and Roberts were appointed to superintend its publication, who added notes to the chapters, divided them into sections, and compared the printed acts with the originals. 21 A. J. 465. HARRINGTON, E. B. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Chancery of the State of Michigan, from 183G-42. 8vo. Detroit. 1845. HARRINGTON, S. M. Reports of Cases in the Superior Court, and Court of Errors and Appeals, of the Stale of Delaware, from the organization of those Courts under the amended Constitution ; with References to some of the earlier Cases. 3 vols. 8vo. Dover. 1837-44. HARRINGTON, J. H. Elementary Analysis of the Laws and Regulations enacted by the Governor General in Council, at Fort William, in Bengal, for the Civil Government of the British Territories under that Presidency, in six parts, designed for the use of the Students in the College of Fort William, fol. Cal- cutta. 1805. HARRIS, T. AND R. JOHNSON. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the General Court and Court of Appeals, of the State of Maryland, from 1800 to 182G. 7 vols. 8vo. Anna- polis. 1821-27. 370