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HAY HAWKINS, W. An Abridgment of my Lord Coke's I. Institute ; with great Additions, explaining many of the difficult Cases, and showing in what points the Law has been altered, by late Reso- lutions and Acts of Parliament. 8th ed., with Corrections and References. By J. Rudall. 12mo. London. 1822. Hawkins' Abridgment is a very creditable performance, and may be read with considerable profit by those who are unable to procure the larger work. He only abridges Coke's Commentaries, omitting Littleton altogether, and such parts of Coke as were obsolete when the work was compiled. The additions, by Hawkins, are much esteemed. Eunomus, 13; 3 Blk. Com. c. 17; Hoff. Leg. Stu. 227; Bridg. Leg. Bib. 155. HAWKINS, HENRY. A Practical Treatise on Warrants of Attorney and Cognovits, and Judges' Orders for Judgment; with an Appendix of Forms, &c. 12mo. London. 1844. HAWKS, F. L. Reports of Cases adjudged in the Supreme Court of North Carolina. 4 vols. 8vo. Raleigh. 1823-28. A part of volume first is by Thomas Ruffin. HAWKSHEAD, JAMES. An Essay on the Operation, in Wills, of the Word " Issue," and also of the Words " Heirs of the Body," " Dying without Issue," &c. 8vo. London. 1826. The author has very happily illustrated an intricate subject, in an eccentric but clear and highly satisfactory manner. All the Latin and French technicalities are carefully translated and explained, and he makes frequent references to such general literary treatises, as throw light upon the subjects of investigation. Professor Hoffman terms this " Essay," (consisting of 600 pages,) " a learned, highly eccentric, shrewdly sen- sible, and charming production." Hoff. Leg. Stu. 274. HAWLES, SIR JOHN. The Englishman's Right; a Dialogue between a Barrister at Law and a Juryman, setting forth the Anti- quity, the excellent designed Use, the Office and just Privileges of Juries by the Law of England. 12mo. London. 1770. This tract was first published in dto., 1G80, without any name, under the title of " Grand Juryman's Oath and Office explained," Sec. Clarke. HAY, GEO. A Treatise on Expatriation. 8vo. Washington. 1814. HAYES, E. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Exchequer, Ireland, from Hilary, 10 & 11 Geo. IV., to Easier, 2 Will. IV. 8vo. Dublin. 1837. 376