Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/415

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HUG elementary in its character, and contains much important information confined within a small compass. 25 L. M. 91 ; 14 A. J. 234 ; 9 M. L. M. 228; 4 Jurist, 1074. HUGHES, Wn.LIAM. An Abridgment of Croke's Reports, HI. Parts. 8vo. London. 1665. . An Abridgment of Moore's Reports. 8vo. Lon- don. 1665. . Nomotomia, in H. Parts : L A Collection and Survey of the general Titles of the Common Law, with the Cases thereof. H, An exact Abridgment of all the Acts and public Ordinances of Parliament, from 1640 to 1657. 2 vols. 4to. Lon- don. 1657. . Queries; or, choice Cases for Moots, concerning several Points of Law not resolved in the Books. 12mo. Lon- don. 1675. . Comments upon original Writs. 4lo. London. 1655. This is only a translation of the Pleadings in Coke's Reports. Clarke. . The Parsons Law. 8vo. London. 1641. HUGHES, T. B. Advantages of Friendly Loan Societies, con- trasted with the ruinous Effects of Pawning. 12mo. London. 1841. . Report of the Case of the King v. Bebb and others ; with other MS. Cases and Observations on the Law of Extents. 8vo. London. 1811. HUGHES, D. A Treatise on the Law relating to Insurances, viz. L of Marine Insurance. II. Of Insurance of Lives. HI. Of Insurance against Fire. 8vo. liondon. 1828. 1st American ed., with Notes and References to American Decisions. 8vo. New York. 1833. " It goes over the same ground already fully and sufSciently occupied by his two eminent predecessors. Park and Marshall ; and with very scanty reference to any foreign authorities, it cites all the modern Eng- lish Cases. It is a plain, methodical, and correct Treatise, and must be valuable to an English lawyer, so far as it has incorporated into the work, the substance of the recent decisions not to be found in the former works. Beyond that information, the Treatise is entirely superfluous." 3 Kent, 351, n. 403