Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/423

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INQ INDIANS. Indian Treaties, between the United States of America and the several Tribes, from 1778 to 1837. New ed. Svo. Washington. 1837. INFANTS' LAWYER; setting forth their Privileges, several Ages for Divers Purposes, as to Suits and Defences by them ; also, of Infant Executors, Administrators, durante minori setafe; likewise of Devises to Infants, and Apprentices. 3d ed. 8vo. London. 172G. INGERSOLL, CHARLES J. A View of River Rights. Svo. Philadelphia. 1835. Pamphlet. INGERSOLL, EDWARD. An Abridgment of the Acts of Con- gress now in force. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1825. . A Digest of the Laws of the United States, from the 4th of March, 1789, to 11th May, 1820; including the Con- stitution and the old Act of Confederation, and excluding all Acts relating to the District of Columbia, and Post Roads and Private Acts. Svo. Philadelphia. 1821. INGRAHAM, EDWARD D. A View of the Insolvent Laws of Pennsylvania. 2d ed. Svo. Philadelphia. 1827. INGS, E. The Act for the Abolition of Arrest on Mesne Process in Civil Actions, and also the Acts 2 &; 3 Vict., c. 39, and 3 & 4 Vict., c. 82, relating to or amending the same ; with the Rules, Orders, and Cases, as decided in all the Courts ; arranged accord- ing to their Applicability to the various Sections ; together with an Appendix of Forms, &c. 12mo. London. 1840. INHERITANCES. The Law of Inheritances in Fee, and therein concerning the several Degrees of Consanguinity. Svo. London. 1736. INNES, JAMES. Idea Juris Scotici ; or, a Summary View of the Laws of Scotland. 4to. London. 1733. INQUIRY into the Doctrine concerning Attachments, of Contempt, the Alteration of Records, and the Court of Star-Chamber, upon the Principles of the Law and the Constitution, particularly as they relate to Prosecutions for Libels ; with Notes, References, and Observations. (By John Rayner.) 4to. London. 17G9. 411