Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/435

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JEN plan of his work, and the place where it was composed. " I have also compiled a book of Reports, in several divisions, after the example of those famous men, Fitz-lierbert and Lord Brooke, and have broiicrht them down to our own times ; and have made observations upon all the Year- Books of our laws, and upon the rules of law; so that the studious reader, by their assistance, may safely steer through the straits of the law without any danger of striking upon the rocks of error. Amidst the sound of drums and trumpets, surrounded by an odious multitude of bar- barians, broken with old age and confinement in prisons, where my fellow subjects, grown wild with rage, detained me for fifteen years together, I bestowed many watchful hours upon this performance." It partakes of the character of a Digest, a Commentary, and a volume of Reports. He omits those Cases relating to Titles of the law that were obsolete when he wrote, and his Centuries contain some Cases not elsewhere to be found. From the labour bestowed upon the work, and the sound learn- ing which it contains, the volume possesses no ordinary value and authority. The first edition appeared in French and Latin, but the second and third in English, by Barlow. Bridg. Bib. 175 ; Wallace's Re- porters, 4; 1 Wils. 9 ; 3 Atk. 53 ; 5 Serg. & R. 292 ; Pref. to the Cen- turies; Brooke's Bib. Leg. Ang. 214. JENKINS, DAVID. Pads Consultum; a Directory to the Public Peace, briefly describing the Antiquity, Extent, Practice, and Jurisdiction of several County-Corporation-Courts, especially the Court Leet. 8vo. London. 1657. JENKINS, SIR LEOLINE. See Wynne's Life of Jenkins, where his Legal Works are collected. JENKINSON, CHARLES. A Discourse on the Conduct of the Government of Great Britain, in respect to Neutral Nations. 8vo. London. 1801. JENKINSON, (Lord Liverpool.) A Collection of all the Trea- ties of Peace, Alliance, and Commerce, between Great Britain and other Powers, from the Treaty signed at Munster, in 1648, to the Treaties signed at Paris, in 1783 ; to which is prefixed, a Discourse on the Conduct of the Government of Great Britain, in respect to Neutral Nations. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1785. JENNER, DAVID. The Prerogative of Primogeniture ; showing that the Right of Succession to an Hereditary Crown, depends not upon Grace, Religion, &;c., but only upon Birth-rigbt. 8vo. London. 1685. 423