Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/444

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JUS JURIST. The Jurist ; or, Quarterly Journal of Jurisprudence and Legislation. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1827-32. . The Scottish Jurist; containing Reports of Cases de- cided in the House of Lords, Courts of Session Teinds, and Exchequer, and the Jury and Justiciary Courts. 2 vols. 4to. Edinburgh. 1829-30. . The Jurist ; containing Reports of Cases determined in Law and in Equity, from 1837; with a General Digest, Table of Cases, and Index. 9 vols. 8vo. London. 1838-46. It is published weekly, and contains the earliest authentic Reports of Cases decided in the Courts of Law and Equity, original articles upon various legal subjects, reviews of new law books, and a variety of other useful information. It is, incomparably, the ablest work of the kind now published. JURY. The Juryman's Guide ; designed for the Citizens of Maine. By a Member of the Bar. 8vo. Portland. 1846. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. The Practick Part of the Office of the Justice, and of the Clerk of the Peace. 12mo. London. 1682. . The Conductor Generalis ; or, the Office, Duty, and Authority of Justices of the Peace, &c. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1801. JUSTICE, ALEXANDER. A General Treatise of the Dominion and Laws of the Sea, containing what is most valuable upon that Subject, in Ancient and Modern Authors ; and particularly that excellent Body of Sea Laws lately published in France ; besides the Ancient Laws. 4to. London. 1705. JUSTINIAN. The Institutes of Justinian, in Latin and English ; with Notes, chiefly relative to the Laws of England. By George Harris. 3d ed. 4to. London. 1811. Mr. Harris' translation is accurate, and furnished with some notes which elucidate obscure passages, and occasionally point out the analogy be- tween the Common and the Civil Law. Thomas Cooper also gave an English version of the Institutes, 8vo., Philadelphia, 1812, which was re-printed, 8vo., New York, 1841. His annotations are more numerous than those of his predecessor, though upon the same plan, in which he contrasts the Roman jurisprudence with that of the United States. A new English edition was published by George Lyon, 12mo., Edinburgh, 432