Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/456

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LAM LAMB, SIR J. B. An Inquiry into the Cause of Procrastination, attributed to the Court of Chancery. 1824. LAMBARD, WILLIAM. Eirenarcha ; or, the Office of Justices of the Peace; to which is added, the Duty of Constables, Bors- holders, &c. 8vo. London. 1619. Lambard, in his Proheme, says : " To write of the office and duetie of .Tustices of the Peace, after M. Marrowe, and after the reuerend Justice Fitz-herbert, (who published an excellent Treatise thereof which is yet euery where to be had,) may, at the first, eeeme no lesse unadaisedly done, than if a man should bring Owles to Athens, (as the Prouerbe is,) or carrie stickes into a growing- wood or copise." Notwithstanding his doubts as to the propriety of publishing his Eirenarcha, it is far more complete than any preceding work upon the subject, and is written in a style " which ie-w writers upon the law had condescended to imitate since the time of Bracton, Fleta, and Britton." It seems to have been a favorite work in the olden time, which, says Fulbeck, if any reprove for lack of method, surely his judgment is out of order. It was first published in French, 1579, and afterwards in English, revised and en- larged. The editions differ in paging, and some of them want the Trea- tise on the Duty of Constables, &c. Fulbeck's Preparative, 64 ; 5 Reeves' Hist. 245 ; Bridg. Bib. 184 ; 1 Blk. Com. c. 9. . The Perambulation of Kent ; containing the De- scription, Historie, and Customes of that Shire. 8vo. London. 1656. Archeion ; or, a Discourse upon the High Courts of Justice in England. 8vo. London. 1635. There are two editions of this book of the same date ; that which contains a Preface to the reader signed T. L., and a Table of Contents, is the most correct, having been printed from the author's MSS. The other edition, which is of a size somewhat larger, is entitled Archion. W. Fleetwood, Recorder of London, wrote observations on this work, which are mentioned by several authors. Clarke ; Wood's Athen. Oxon. 230; Nic. Hist. Lib. 1. . The Duties of Constables, Borsholders, Tything- men, and such other Law and Lay Ministers of the Peace. 8vo. London. 1677. Mr. Lambard's pains, learning, and law, appear by his books, which are conducted by so curious a method, and beautified by such flowers of learning, that he may well be sorted amongst them to whom the law is most beholden. His style runneth like a temperate stream, his excellent knowledge and use of antiquities, argueth no small reading and a sin- gular conceit. Fulbeck, 74. 444