Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/460

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LAW plishing the objects of equitable remedies, it would be ungenerous not to say that the range of information which it demonstrates, is such as may well put the law students of this country to the blush." Professor Park, in alluding to it, remarks : " Although I must differ from its main conclusions, it is a work of that learning, and research, and information, as but {ew members of the English bar, perhaps, could have produced. A copy of this Essay I some time since presented, through Prof. Amos, to the Law Class of the London University, as an example of what may be attained, even in early life, by successful application." Death early terminated the career of of its author, who gave so much promise of use- fulness. See Fonblanque's Equity. Hoff. Leg. Stu. 405 ; 4 U. S. Lit. Gaz. 201 ; 6 A. J. 452 ; ( 13) 46G ; Jones' Eulogy on Laussat, 12 ; Park's Intro. Lee. King's Col. ; 4 Kent's Com. 164. LAW. The Law of Covenants; a Treatise explaining the Nature and Rules of the several Sorts of Covenants, and the Manner of Declaring and Assigning the Breaches and Pleadings under each proper Title. 8vo. London. 1712. . The Law Companion ; containing an Extract from all the Laws relative to Domestic Life, &c. 8vo. London. 1795. . The Law of Securities ; being a Methodical Treatise of all the Laws and Statutes relating to Bills, Obligations, Bonds, and Conditions, Judgments, Recognizances, Securities, Real, and Per- sonal, &;c. 8vo. London. 1723. . Law Quibbles ; or, a Treatise on the Evasions, Tricks, Turns, and Quibbles, commonly used in the Profession of the Law ; with Abstracts of the Statutes relating to Attornies, Bri- bery, Forgery, &c. ; to which is now added, a Second Part, containing some curious Precedents in extraordinary Cases in Conveyancing, &c. 4th ed., with Additions. 8vo. London. 1736. " The many quibbles and evasions, of late introduced in the practice of the law, are sufficient to influence any one of the Profession (espe- cially a person who has suffered by them), to undertake a treatise that may expose such artifices, and give the world a necessary caution against them ; and this being a topick which is wholly new, and of great impor- tance, all sorts of persons are in some degree interested therein." Pref.

The Law and Equity Reporter; or, Reports of Cases in

the several Courts of Law and Equity in England, during the year 1839. Jurist ed. 2 vols. 8vo. New York. 1840. 448